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  • Jf Stoll Fct 900 Forage Harvester
    Jf Stoll Fct 900 Forage Harvester
    Jf Stoll Fct 900 Forage Harvester, 2001 Year, C/W Hydraulic PUH, Swivel Chute, 1.6 Meter Pickup reel. S/N 128-045-0458. Very Tidy Condition.
  • John Deere 3950 Pull-Type Forage Harvester
    John Deere 3950 Pull-Type Forage Harvester
    Used John Deere 3950 Pull Type Forage Harvester, 1995 (1985-2001), 50% knives, monitor, 1 3/8″ 1000 PTO, iron guard, hydraulic swing tongue, New Holland Harvest Tec 55 gallon applicator, hitch extension, 31×31.50×15 implement tires at 50%, some weather cracking on tires, with 88″ hay head serial number 482486, castering gauge…
  • Reco Mengele SH40 Trailed Forage Harvester
    2008 Reco Mengele SH40 Trailed Forage Harvester Forage Wagons barrel carrier, 1.9metre pick-up, very tidy, very good condition for work.
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